Friday, December 21, 2018

Virtual Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Mini Grants 2019

GHAEA Virtual Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Training 

The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Model is a research-based and validated instructional model that has proven effective in addressing the academic needs of English learners throughout the United States.  Learn about the SIOP Model research base.

In addition, teachers report that SIOP-based teaching benefits all students, not just those who are learning English as an additional language.

Green Hills AEA is providing support to district teachers to access SIOP training through Pearson’s SIOP Training for Teachers Virtual Institute.  

The SIOP® Training for Teachers Virtual Institute is a cost-effective and convenient way to learn about the scientifically validated SIOP® Model. Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of how SIOP® works in content-area classrooms. Watch expert-led sessions right on your computer. Experience SIOP® classroom lessons, listen to SIOP® authors, and participate in an author Q&A live. It’s a powerful new learning model for educators with limited time or budget for travel.  The book will be shipped directly to the address you provide. With the text in hand, you will have the resources to put what you learn during the institute into practice in your classroom.  

The Institute runs for 4 weeks with 11 sessions.  Each session is approximately 1 hour in length.  Anecdotal reports indicate approximately 3 hours of work counting session time per week.  Live sessions occur at 4:30 pm Central Time.

Support is provided by Green Hills AEA in the form of $500 mini-grants reimbursing school districts for the cost of registration and an honorarium stipend for teacher(s) time completing the professional learning off-contract.
-Registration cost reimbursed = $300
-Honorarium stipend =$200 

Available Sessions:

  • January 15 - February 5
  • February 12 - March 5
  • March 12 - April 2
  • April 9 - April 30
  • May 7 - May 28
  • June 4 - June 25
  • July 9 - July 30
  • August 13 - September 3
  • September 10 - October 1
  • October 15 - November 5
  • November 12 - December 3

To register for this opportunity follow the registration link below and complete the mini-grant application form.  Teacher teams are highly recommended in order to gain the greatest benefit through collaboration, teamwork, and implementation accountability.  As the mini-grant is to be disbursed as a reimbursement to the participant(s) school district, it is critical that prior approval by your district supervisor is gained before completing the mini-grant application.

License Renewal Credit is available for this course, if interested please email Joe Woracek at the address below.
Additional coursework is required.
Participants must pay the standard cost of $35 for a license renewal credit.

Questions can be directed to Joe Woracek ( - 712.366.0503

Monday, October 1, 2018

ELL Critical Data Process Trainings

As a reminder, the ELL Critical Data Process trainings with Steve Gill are fast approaching (November 12-14).  This training will support district and building teams to be better equipped to determine when an English Language Learner needs additional interventions and when a disability should be suspected.  Each building that sends representatives to this training will receive a FREE copy of Steve Gill and Ushani Nanayakkara's book: The ELL Critical Data Process - 2nd Edition.  Details below.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Virtual Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Mini Grants Fall 2018

GHAEA Virtual Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Training 

The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Model is a research-based and validated instructional model that has proven effective in addressing the academic needs of English learners throughout the United States.  Learn about the SIOP Model research base.

In addition, teachers report that SIOP-based teaching benefits all students, not just those who are learning English as an additional language.

Green Hills AEA is providing support to district teachers to access SIOP training through Pearson’s SIOP Training for Teachers Virtual Institute.  

The SIOP® Training for Teachers Virtual Institute is a cost-effective and convenient way to learn about the scientifically validated SIOP® Model. Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of how SIOP® works in content-area classrooms. Watch expert-led sessions right on your computer. Experience SIOP® classroom lessons, listen to SIOP® authors, and participate in an author Q&A live. It’s a powerful new learning model for educators with limited time or budget for travel.  The book will be shipped directly to the address you provide. With the text in hand, you will have the resources to put what you learn during the institute into practice in your classroom.  

The Institute runs for 4 weeks with 11 sessions.  Each session is approximately 1 hour in length.  Anecdotal reports indicate approximately 3 hours of work counting session time per week.  Live sessions occur at 4:30 pm Central Time.

Support is provided by Green Hills AEA in the form of $500 mini-grants reimbursing school districts for the cost of registration and an honorarium stipend for teacher(s) time completing the professional learning off-contract.
-Registration cost reimbursed = $300
-Honorarium stipend =$200 

Available Sessions:

-October 16 - November 6
-November 13 - December 4

To register for this opportunity follow the registration link below and complete the mini-grant application form.  Teacher teams are highly recommended in order to gain the greatest benefit through collaboration, teamwork, and implementation accountability.  As the mini-grant is to be disbursed as a reimbursement to the participant(s) school district, it is critical that prior approval by your district supervisor is gained before completing the mini-grant application.

License Renewal Credit is available for this course, if interested please email Joe Woracek at the address below.
Additional coursework is required.
Participants must pay the standard cost of $35 for a license renewal credit.

Questions can be directed to Joe Woracek ( - 712.366.0503

Friday, August 10, 2018

Welcome Back and ELPA21 Screener Training Information

Welcome back to the start of a new year!  I hope each and every one of you have been able to relax and recharge over the summer months. There are a number of pieces of information as we begin the 2018/19 school year that I want to share with you. So please be on the lookout for additional entries and emails in the coming weeks. Today is an update on the ELPA21 Dynamic Screener.

As a reminder, August 1st the state began with the newly required ELPA21 Dynamic screener for identifying potential English learners.  (We will no longer be using the TELPA.) Districts will want to be sure they complete the appropriate training's through AEA Learning System.  

AEA Learning modules: Search for the name of the course by using the icon on the top left

Gearing Up for the ELPA21 Assessment

  • The purpose of the "Gearing Up" module is not an overview of the screening process, but rather to help those who are new to EL assessment in Iowa quickly get up to speed with the assessment requirements and online system.

ELPA21 Dynamic Screener Training 2018-2019 

  • Within this module there are 2 sections to complete and to certify in order to administer the assessment.  The DE keeps records of certified staff to ensure valid and reliable assessment administration.

After going through the training, I wanted to highlight a couple of useful documents.
**However, be sure you complete the training personally.

As a reminder, here is an overview webinar of the screener from the DE from May 2018: ELPA21 Dynamic Screener Overview.

For questions and support for the online assessment, contact or 1-855-873-5710.

Have a great start to the year!

Friday, April 6, 2018

Summer is Coming!

Despite what the weather may be doing, Spring is upon us with Summer closely following.  Looking forward, there are some important reminders and new opportunities to share.  Apologies for the length of this message, please read to the bottom as there are several important opportunities!

Virtual SIOP Mini-Grants

First, there continues to be opportunities to participate in the Virtual SIOP Mini-Grants.  Please see this previous post for more information.  We encourage all educators to participate who wish to develop skills to better serve English Learners (not just ESL endorsed teachers).

Our Kids

Speaking for All Learners will be held on June 12-13, 2018 from 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. at North Polk High School. PK-12 educators will have the opportunity to network with other educational professionals, discover new strategies for working with English language learners in Iowa and meet national and local experts to enrich practices for increasing EL achievement.


Ayanna Cooper, Ed.D
Dr. Ayanna Cooper is an ELL specialist who has extensive and diverse experience teaching educators how to enhance instruction for culturally and linguistically diverse learners. Dr. Cooper is nationally recognized in the EL field and has done much research and is published in this arena.

David Edward Garcia
Growing up on the Mexican border in Texas, David Edward Garcia shares his inspiring story of living in two worlds-linguistically and culturally. Growing up as an EL, he did not experience academic success but has become a successful speaker of five languages, teacher, entrepreneur, comedian and an inspiration to both students and educators. Garcia will offer a keynote as well as breakout sessions for teachers and instructional leaders/administrators about strategies for meeting the academic needs of English Learners.

Conference topics include:
  • Strategies for addressing barriers to academic and language learning for English Learners in the classroom
  • Best practices for supporting early childhood language acquisition for preschool English Learners
  • Instructional leadership strategies for English language learning programs
  • Connecting and collaborating with other educators responsible for the success of English Learners
  • And many more learning opportunities and topics from experts in educating English Learners!

As in the past, GHAEA will provide for district staff registration and hotel accommodations. Please register here before going to the Heartland AEA registration so that you can use a Green Hills PO #.

Summer School for English Learners

As a pilot, Green Hills AEA will be offering support for ESL endorsed teachers to provide summer school LIEP instruction to their English Learners.  This support will entail reimbursing school districts for the hourly cost of ESL endorsed teachers providing this direct instruction in June 2018.  More information and an application form will be shared soon.  

Please direct questions to Joe Woracek (

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

GHAEA Virtual SIOP Institute Mini-Grants

What Is the SIOP Model?
The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Model is a research-based and validated instructional model that has proven effective in addressing the academic needs of English learners throughout the United States. Learn about the SIOP Model research base.

In addition, teachers report that SIOP-based teaching benefits all students, not just those who are learning English as an additional language.

Green Hills AEA is providing support to district teachers to access SIOP training through Pearson’s SIOP Training for Teachers Virtual Institute.

The SIOP® Training for Teachers Virtual Institute is a cost-effective and convenient way to learn about the scientifically validated SIOP® Model. Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of how SIOP® works in content-area classrooms. Watch expert-led sessions right on your computer. Experience SIOP® classroom lessons, listen to SIOP® authors, and participate in an author Q&A live. It’s a powerful new learning model for educators with limited time or budget for travel. The book will be shipped directly to the address you provide. With the text in hand, you will have the resources to put what you learn during the institute into practice in your classroom.

The Institute runs for 4 weeks with 11 sessions. Each session is approximately 1 hour in length. Anecdotal reports indicate approximately 3 hours of work counting session time per week. Live sessions occur at 4:30 pm Central Time.

Support is provided by Green Hills AEA in the form of $500 mini-grants reimbursing school districts for the cost of registration and an honorarium stipend for teacher(s) time completing the professional learning off-contract.
  • Registration cost reimbursed = $300 
  • Honorarium stipend =$200 
Available Sessions:
  • March 13th - April 3rd 
  • April 10th - May 1st 
  • May 8th - May 29th 
  • June 5th - June 26th 
To register for this opportunity follow the registration link below and complete the mini-grant application form. Teacher teams are highly recommended in order to gain the greatest benefit through collaboration, teamwork, and implementation accountability. As the mini-grant is to be disbursed as a reimbursement to the participant(s) school district, it is critical that prior approval by your district supervisor is gained before completing the mini-grant application.

License Renewal Credit is available for this course. After you have registered and indicated you wish to receive LR Credit, additional instructions will be provided.
Additional coursework is required.

Participants must pay the standard cost of $35 for a license renewal credit.

Questions can be directed to Joe Woracek ( - 712.366.0503

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Our Kids Summer Institute Save the Date

Greetings Green Hills AEA English Learner Educators!

It has been awhile for an update and I wanted to make sure everyone has the information for the upcoming Our Kids Summer Institute in June.  Please mark your calendars and most importantly, reach out to your colleagues and bring a buddy or a team. 

As always, thank you to each of you for the important work and advocacy you engage in for our English Learners!  Keep your eyes open for more posts COMING SOON with some exciting possibilities for educators and our English Learners.
