Monday, December 9, 2019

December Updates

  • Resource:  Accurate Assessment of English Learners 
    • A brief brochure that might be of interest:  LINK  
  • Professional Learning Opportunity
    • January 16th in Des Moines at the Downtown Embassy Suites
    • Rapid Literacy:  ELL strategies for Secondary Emergent Readers.  
    • The $205 cost per person will be reimbursed to a district after attending the workshop
    • Link to sign up 
  • District Mini Grants
    • Up to $5000 can be used towards a project that supports the achievement of English Learners and/or the professional learning of educators.  Additionally, the grant may be used to support parent/community engagement.  
    • Link to sign up 
  • Virtual SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) Course
    • There is still time for you or your colleagues to sign up for this course!  
    • Use this link to register!   
    • More information about SIOP 

 Please contact Angie Hance at or 641-414-2804 with questions!


Just ran across this Facebook group for Iowa ESL/ELL Teachers today.  I requested to join and you can too!  Listed on the site is this description:  "We want this to be a safe space to share ideas, ask questions, and collaborate with other professionals who know the unique experience of teaching English language learners in Iowa. Please keep talk positive and “problem solving” in nature and refrain from using any names or information that would identify specific students. I can’t wait to see how this simple platform can act as a resource for us all. 

This is not a sales page. Please do not post anything you have for sale unless specific to teaching ELL students. Open positions within your district pertaining to teaching ELLs may also be shared"   

 Whether you are new to ELL or are a veteran, you might find this beneficial!

Please remember, if you have an interest in 
- Imagine Learning 
- Rosetta Stone
- A district mini grant
- Scholastic news for your EL's
- Consultative support
- Sheltered Instruction training

Please let me know!  I am working to create a networking session for 2nd semester and a professional learning plan for next year.  Let me know if you have suggestions!!

Have a great week and a Happy Holiday season!

Friday, September 13, 2019


1.  The DE EL website has some updated resources.  You might want to take some time to review what they've changes/updated!  One thing in particular is a revised document entitled:

2.  Application for Mini-Grants.  As soon as I can get it ready, you all will be getting an application for a mini grant.  The mini grant will allow some extra funds for you/your school to support the needs of your ELs. 

3.  Don't forget the Iowa Culture and Language Conference registration in November.  We will pay for your registration, hotel, sub and you will get some additional books when you register.  Click here to register 

4.  Virtual SIOP.  Don't forget this learning opportunity either!  Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol provides:
  • Evidence-based Teaching Strategies developed with original Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP®) Model authors.
  • Access to Experts and Authors through live expert-led sessions, author discussions on video, and a live author Q&A.
  • Built-in Accountability through live sessions, lesson plan assignment, and online discussions.
  • Learn, Apply, and Reflect instruction model promotes classroom practice with live sessions for questions and feedback.

5.  I would like to put together an advisory group of 4-5 people that can help me think about ways to support ESL staff/programs this year and beyond.  If you would be interested in serving on an advisory committee, please let me know!

6.  Rosetta Stone - The AEA pays an annual membership for Rosetta Stone so students and parents can learn English through logging in at either school or home.  If you have an interest in learning more about this, please let me know.  We have 40 licenses but would add more if there were enough interest. 

7.  Imagine Learning - The AEA also pays for an annual membership for Imagine Learning - Reading only for EL students.  If you have an interest, please let me know! 

As always, have a wonderful day and let me know if you have questions!!!

Friday, August 23, 2019

Virtual SIOP

Based on years of research, the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP®) Model is a scientifically validated framework for improving the academic achievement of English learners.

Let the training come to you! The SIOP® Training for Teachers Virtual Institute is a cost-effective and convenient way to learn about the scientifically validated SIOP® Model. Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of how SIOP® works in content-area classrooms. Watch expert-led sessions right on your computer. Experience SIOP® classroom lessons, listen to SIOP® authors, and participate in an author Q&A live. It’s a powerful new learning model for educators with limited time or budget for travel.

This four-week institute consists of 11 sessions in which participants complete a series of assignments on their own schedule, as well as meeting as a virtual group to collaborate, discuss, and share information with colleagues. The four live sessions are led by an expert in the topic and one session is devoted to a question and answer session with the authors.

Virtual SIOP costs $300, which the AEA will reimburse.  Additionally, upon completion, each participant will receive a $200 honorarium.  To qualify for the $500 reimbursement, ($300 registration plus $200 honorarium) please complete the personal information and respond to the following questions.

You will need to wait for a response before registering for the session if you want to attend and receive the stipend.  Angie Hance will email you to let you know if you qualify for the reimbursement of $500.  Once approved, a registration link will be sent.  You will also be able to apply for license renewal credit. 

Once you receive the written approval you will need to
     1) get approval from your direct supervisor;
     2) obtain a purchase order from your district to register, have the district pay and register you, or pay yourself; and
     3) let your supervisor and business office know that in addition to reimbursement for the class ($300), we will also send the district a $200 stipend that the district will need to forward on to the teacher. 

Once the institute is completed, Pearson will issue you a Certificate of Completion.  You will need to photocopy or scan this certificate and send/email it to Angie Hance along with a completed claim form.  Claim forms are needed for the AEA to reimburse the district for the $300 registration and $200 stipend.  The district will then reimburse you the $200 (likely minus taxes).  Unfortunately, the AEA can not pay any stipends directly to an individual due to tax reasons. 

Other Virtual SIOP classes will likely be offered later in the year; however the two dates listed below are all that are showing on their website.  You may register for License Renewal Credit as well, paid for using your own funds. 

If you'd like to submit a request to attend, please complete this survey!


Thursday, August 22, 2019

Dual Language Institute

Here is a link to the Dual Language Institute to be held in New York in October

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Updated ELPA 21 Training Modules

We just received word that multiple training modules have been updated for the 2019-20 school year. 

From the DE:

This year we are happy to announce that we have ready several of the ELPA21 training modules in advance. Each of these modules is updated for 2019-2020. 

To help you prepare for the suite of ELPA21 assessments, the following modules are ready for your use:
  • ELPA21 Dynamic Screener Training 2019-2020
  • NEW - Dynamic Screener for Experienced Test Administrators 2019-2020
  • New Test Administrators: Introduction to ELPA21 Screening and Summative Assessment 2019-2020
  • ELPA21 Technology Coordinators Training 2019-2020
  • ELPA21 Test Coordinators Training 2019-2020
As other modules get updated, we will add them to the list and notify you.
To ACCESS the training modules, go to:
Click on "Catalog" and scroll down to "English Language Learners"  All EL modules are listed.  Updated modules all say 2019-20 in the course title.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


 REGARDING THE ICLC CONFERENCE - Please consider nominating someone!!!

Hello Everyone.  Please feel free to send out the following message to districts within your AEA service area. Thank you.  *** As of today we have ZERO nominations.  ðŸ˜ž

Dear EL Colleagues,

The 2019 Iowa Culture and Language Conference will be here before we know it.  ICLC will be held November 4th, 5th and 6th in Coralville, Iowa.  Every year an administrator, a teacher, an individual, and an organization from Iowa are honored on behalf of their diligent work and advocacy of immigrants, refugees and Iowa's non-English speaking population.  The awards given include the Dan Chavez Beyond the Horizon; The Individual Advocate Award, The Organization Award, The Teacher Award and the Dr. Carmen P. Sosa Leadership Award.  

There are many individuals and organizations in Iowa who are very deserving of these awards.  Please take the time to submit your nomination(s) by Tuesday, October 1, 2019.  Please click here for the 2019 ICLC Awards Nomination form.  


Sherri Anderson
NWAEA EL Consultant/Title III Grant Coordinator

Friday, August 16, 2019

From the DE: ELPA 21 guidance

Dear ELPA21 Test Coordinators and Test Administrators,
As the school year opens, don't forget you need to complete the ELPA21 Dynamic Screener Training 2019-2020 on before screening new students. This is a required training, not an optional training. 

So you would not need to take two trainings, we have taken down the ELPA21 Dynamic Screener for Future Kindergarten Students for 2019 and incorporated the information in the ELPA21 Dynamic Screener Training 2019-2020. The future kindergarten training will come live again in Spring 2020 for kindergarten roundups.

New this year is a shorter version of the training for those who administered it last year. If you qualify, you may take the ELPA21 Dynamic Screener Training for Experienced Test Administrators 2019-2020 instead. 

This message comes from Colleen Anderson at the DE

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Story Weaver Bytes

15,000 storybooks in 200 languages! 
We, at StoryWeaver, are super excited that we now have over 15,000 storybooks in 200 languages on our platform! 
This month, we have added more storybooks in languages like, Marwari, Surjapuri, Korku and Tibetan. We also added 80 stories across nine indigenous Mexican languages, and among them are stories in Chocholteco, which are the first written records to be published in this language in over a decade!  Here’s a massive THANK YOU to our amazing translator community! Your faith has helped us reach this milestone, which we believe is the first of many more!
Translating stories into indigenous languages
The Ranchi Admin Office (Jharkhand, India) reached out to us recently, to collaborate with them to translate stories into indigenous languages like Kurmali, Sadri, Mundari and Kurukh. The project went so well that the NITI Aayog, a policy think tank of the Government of India, tweeted about this initiative! 
StoryWeaver's first comic book!

In other news, StoryWeaver's first comic book, Making Friends with Snakes (But From a Distance)written and illustrated by wildlife cartoonist Rohan Chakravarty and published by Pratham Books, is now available in 7 Indian languages - Marathi, Hindi, Telugu, Gujarati, Kannada, Tamil and Konkani. The book will soon be translated into Bengali and Odia too.

You can read the book in all these languages here
Community Corner

The community has been wowing us with their stories recently.
We love The Big, Bad Kurattai, written by Abhi Krish and illustrated by Anastasiya Ivanova, about an errant child, a bowl of dumplings and a mystery! The story was written in celebration of Singapore's Tamil Language Month 2019. You can read the Tamil version of the story here

Friday, August 9, 2019

Iowa Culture and Language Conference - Save the Date

The 2019 Iowa Culture and Language Conference will be held this year from November 4th through the 6th at the Coralville Marriott Hotel and Conference Center.  Again this year, GHAEA will be paying for LEA staff registration for those wishing to attend.  Registration information will be sent out within 2-3 weeks.  Here is a link to the conference website for more information:  ICLC2019

Thank you!

Angie Hance
Director, Targeted Services
Green Hills Area Education Agency

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

 Welcome to a new year!  My name is Angie Hance and I am taking over responsibilities for ELL from Joe Woracek this year!  I will try to make monthly Blog posts and forward information to you all that seems pertinent to your role.  If you have any suggestions for me for Blog ideas or professional learning opportunities, please email me at  Thanks!!!

Angie Hance, Targeted Services Director.

Now, for the good stuff: 

All staff who are responsible for administering the ELPA21 Dynamic Screener must complete one of the required trainings prior to administering it. These trainings, "ELPA21 Dynamic Screener Training 2019-2020" and "ELPA21 Dynamic Screener Training for Experienced Test Administrators 2019-2020," are provided are provided through AEA Learning Online's Training System, direct links for training modules are listed below. These trainings are free to all staff who are employed by an Iowa public or private accredited school district.  If you are seeing a screen requiring you to pay for the training, you need to update your employment information on your system profile.
In addition to the two previously mentioned trainings, the Department of Education has created an optional training titled "New Test Administrators: Introduction to ELPA21 Screening and Summative Assessments 2019-2020" on the AEA Learning Online Training System.  This online training module has been created for any educator who is new to the process of administering the ELPA21 Assessments to English Learners (ELs). If you have already administered an ELPA21 Assessment, much of this information will be a review for preparing to use the online assessment systems.

New Test Administrators: Introduction to ELPA21 Screening and Summative Assessments 2019-2020
This online training module has been created for any educator who is NEW to the process of administering the ELPA21 Assessments to English Learners (ELs). If you have already administered an ELPA21 Assessment, much of this information will be a review for preparing to use the online assessment systems. Click this link to access the training: 

ELPA21 Dynamic Screener Training 2019-2020
This training is required of those who need to administer the ELPA21 Dynamic Screener Assessment and have not completed ELPA21 Dynamic Screener Training in the last twelve months. Click this link to access the training: 

ELPA21 Dynamic Screener Training for Experienced Test Administrators 2019-2020
This training is designed for Test Administrators who have completed ELPA21 Dynamic Screener Training 2018-2019 and received a certificate. This training is an opportunity to refresh your skills for screening and scoring speaking. It is REQUIRED that you complete this training prior to administering the Dynamic Screener to students. Click this link to access the training:

For additional questions contact:
  • For ELPA21 assessment-related questions, contact: Colleen Anderson; until September 3, 2019 and beginning September 4, 2019 contact Terri Schuster at the Iowa Department of Education
  • For EL placement and eligibility questions, contact: Your local AEA Title III Contact (Angie Hance) or Pam McDonnell at the Iowa Department of Education; (515-380-5115)
  • For online training issues, contact: Rob Brookhart at AEA Learning Online or 515-270-9030 or 800-362-2720  Extension 14633

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Summer Updates

Image result for summer

Summer Updates:

Happy summer to everyone!  I hope each of you is able to take time to rest, relax, and recharge during these summer months.  I just wanted to get a few updates out there for everyone for 2019/2020.

Lau Plan Guidance for 2019/20 can be found here.

An Exit/Monitoring Flowchart can be found here.

A new Re-Entry guidance FAQ document can be found on the Iowa Department of Education site here.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Summer School Mini-Grants

Summer is fast approaching and along with that comes summer slide for many of our students.  In an effort to help combat this challenge among English Learners in Southwest Iowa Green Hills is offering mini-grants again this year for English Learner summer school.

Please find linked below the Application for Mini Grants sponsored by Green Hills AEA for providing summer school language instruction to identified English Learners.  Districts will be reimbursed for teacher time at $25 per hour.  The summer program should consist of targeted language instruction, whether done in isolation or embedded within content instruction provided by a highly qualified teacher as described in your district Lau Plan.  This summer school may occur in both June or July of 2019.

GHAEA EL Summer School Mini Grant Application.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Our Kids Summer Institute Save the Date


15th Annual Our Kids Summer Institute

June 18 - 19, 2019

FFA Enrichment Center
1055 SW Prairie Trail Pkwy, Ankeny, IA

For ALL educators who support English Learner students. PK-12 educators will have the opportunity to network with other educational professionals, discover new strategies for working with English Learners (EL) in Iowa and meet national and local experts to enrich practices for increasing EL achievement.

Conference topics Include:

  • Preventing long-term English Learners
  • Key strategies for supporting core content learning 
  • EL parent engagement
  • Building academic language
  • Benefits of co-teaching for EL learners
  • EL laws and implications of the laws for instruction

Plan to bring a team!

Registration information will be communicated in March.