Monday, December 9, 2019

December Updates

  • Resource:  Accurate Assessment of English Learners 
    • A brief brochure that might be of interest:  LINK  
  • Professional Learning Opportunity
    • January 16th in Des Moines at the Downtown Embassy Suites
    • Rapid Literacy:  ELL strategies for Secondary Emergent Readers.  
    • The $205 cost per person will be reimbursed to a district after attending the workshop
    • Link to sign up 
  • District Mini Grants
    • Up to $5000 can be used towards a project that supports the achievement of English Learners and/or the professional learning of educators.  Additionally, the grant may be used to support parent/community engagement.  
    • Link to sign up 
  • Virtual SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) Course
    • There is still time for you or your colleagues to sign up for this course!  
    • Use this link to register!   
    • More information about SIOP 

 Please contact Angie Hance at or 641-414-2804 with questions!


Just ran across this Facebook group for Iowa ESL/ELL Teachers today.  I requested to join and you can too!  Listed on the site is this description:  "We want this to be a safe space to share ideas, ask questions, and collaborate with other professionals who know the unique experience of teaching English language learners in Iowa. Please keep talk positive and “problem solving” in nature and refrain from using any names or information that would identify specific students. I can’t wait to see how this simple platform can act as a resource for us all. 

This is not a sales page. Please do not post anything you have for sale unless specific to teaching ELL students. Open positions within your district pertaining to teaching ELLs may also be shared"   

 Whether you are new to ELL or are a veteran, you might find this beneficial!

Please remember, if you have an interest in 
- Imagine Learning 
- Rosetta Stone
- A district mini grant
- Scholastic news for your EL's
- Consultative support
- Sheltered Instruction training

Please let me know!  I am working to create a networking session for 2nd semester and a professional learning plan for next year.  Let me know if you have suggestions!!

Have a great week and a Happy Holiday season!